Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mommy Manny Pacquiao – Fairytale Dionisia Pacquiao

Who is Dionisia Pacquiao? She is nobody but not anymore. She is now known to be the mother of pinoy champ, Manny Pacquiao.If people see her image they could not believe that it is Dionisia, who now a sensation product endorser and a talk of the world. No one ever expect her to reign among all mothers, and surely even herself was also been surprised with what she is now.

No one ever known about Dionisia Pacquiao not until her son decided to enter in the boxing arena.

Way back to the history of Dionisia’s family. Aling Dionisia is an abandoned wife, with children who needs to be cared by her. She worked harder to get enough money for food and their immediate needs. When she was interviewed, it was mentioned that she washed clothes of their neighbors so that she can buy foods. She also brought her children to the sea and gets something that her family can get to survive. You can ever imagine what else Dionisia had done to her life in order to surpass her day to day life challenges with her children. But it is Aling Dionisia’s perseverance, strong faith to God, and her loved to her children are her inspiration to get what she deserves now. It is obvious to her strong and determine image.

During her son’s fight you can’t expect her to watch the show live. You can see her praying so hard that her son would not be hurt. Of course, she is praying for a win but above all is her son’s free from wounds or bruises. She don’t focus too much about the money and crown, rather she is wanted to see Manny’s safety. She is the picture of a mother who always loves her children no matter what, either to loss or to win.

Dionisia Pacquiao, I can say deserve for honor being a great mother. With all the hardship she’d experienced, which resulted to have a successful professional boxer son, who also have a strong faith to God. It is enough evidence that despite of her difficulties she never forget to teach her children some beatitudes and good virtues. She taught them to be strong even in the midst of life struggle. Now, you can see all her glory of being a mother of a boxing champion. Abandoned and isolated wife, but now become a reigning mother in the country.

Yu can see her now smiling, happy and a picture of a contented mother. Seeing her children in good life status, sharing her life to fellow Filipino mothers, and even influencing the people her courage, regardless of her gender. She never ashamed to show the world who she is. A province woman, tongue tied, and with slang accent. She is really the example of a courageous Gabriella.

Dionisia Pacquiaois really have a fairytale mother life, where her love of her children is the only investment. You can watch Cinderella fairytale movie, little mermaid, and name others. But the life of this woman is the fairy like story in the real world.

She can smile now, ride expensive car, wearing fabulous jewelries, even wealthy dress and shoes. Surely these are not all she wants but her children.

Certainly Dionisia Pacquiao is the mirror of great survivor and loving caring mom.

Friday, September 18, 2009

An Advice Need For Desperate Lover

Loving too much can kill you, but loving is likewise, sickening for the one, who loves you. However, if your lover is unfaithful to you. Would you keep him or her, the rest of your life? What will you do, when you have, two timer lovers?
            All people say, “I need love, but nobody loves me.”, such quotable words are pity, to hear, yet, sometimes, its like, a line of the crocodile, crying for a help, to be out, from the water. There had been many people, experiencing and meeting, those kinds of people, like for instance, on my personal experience, my friends’ experience, I mean. Can you help her, out? Your advice will count, for a wearying heart.
            My friend is such, a gentle princess, loving, caring and understanding, and if not perfect, she is good, among the better. She met a guy, she never had dream, to be his lover, but accidentally, and emphatically was because the quotable lines. “I want to love, and to be loved, but no body loves me.” How awful to hear, very pity, yet, it was also the way, where the princess, caught by the snaky puppy, or the pitiful cobra, because it was, the guy, who hurt her, with great pain, she don’t deserve.
            Months and even years, my friends, receives promises, from the guy. But it seems, forever for her, to wait. Now, worst has come, the pitiful man, courted the girls, niece, without her knowledge, except me. I was telling her, about it, but she never listen, because, she is now enveloped, with the loved, which once is gold, but not its color, is fading, because it wasn’t real, but fake. Is anyone out there can, give an advice, to her?
            Leave, a message, and advice, she might read it. What she will do, to her two timer lovers?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Helpful Tips To Eliminate Stress

All over the world had listed some illnesses that easily kill people without even fighting it back. And one of those death causes is the simple S T R E S S. Maybe, some considered stress as simply mental and physical problem. Yet, they never know how it damages our health in general. Perhaps, you too will not take this information seriously, but before rejecting this to believe and even not to read this article, let me advice you first to check stress causes and its consequences. Otherwise, it is too late also for you to feel sorry. Anyhow, I still want to share with you some helpful tips about how to eliminate physical and mental stress. These tips will help you keep healthy and have a happy life. I got these stress reduces techniques from my favorite magazine. Read it and have fun also about it.

Stress Reduces That Are Good For Our Soul And Mind:

1. Appreciate yourself. List your total ability and good qualities. Loving ourselves is the most important mood elevator.
2. Bathe in a bubbles or a streamy shower to ease tension.
3. Count your blessing, like good friends and family.
4. Disappear – take time to walk, be alone with magazines, books, at the park. We need peace and quite. Its an effective stress reduces; it enables you to plan rather than simply rest.
5. Exercise. Take out with the kids or set a romantic stroll at sunset.
6. Frown at yourself at the mirror. Anything you could make you smile.
7. Get a move on-do something like washing. Cleaning the bathroom etc, you feel better of your do something useful.
8. Hug someone. When was the last time you hug your loved ones. Learn to trust your emotion than relying on your intellectual response.
9. Inventory a closet. Clean-up, throw something, you might found a long lost treasure.
10. Join a club. It’s not just a club. It’s also like meeting for a lunch or something.
11. Kick a habit. Don’t break it, just dent a little. Novelty can distract you from your down mood.
12. Look for the silver lining. Make big Jesus and small problem.
13. Make something. Be creative, its with a gift for a friend or anything that you can do, then do it.
14. Nap 15 minutes is for revitalize.
15. Outline a plan for change. Lists and thinks specific positive steps to start. Control then and never let them to control you.
16. Phone a friend. Someone you can count on for sympathy. Nothing elevator a down mood like knowing someone care.
17. Question a trend. Give your brain a work out. Read and listen any news and decide it where you stand.
18. Read a story. A book can help you to escape. Again!
19. Say thanks! First to God and also to all who give favors at you. They might not ask it from you, but they will fuel pleasure and it will left you up your spirit.
20. Treat yourself special, you deserve it.
21. Use a skill like playing a guitar.
22. Volunteer. Helping others in need could feel you better.
23. Walk the dog. Strolling a pet ease tension and rises mood. (please not a snake, he he he because am scared on it, but do what you like)
24. Exaggerate everything in you at the mirror. It could only make you laugh.
25. Yell- as you can, when you’re alone.
26. Surprise someone- Set the table upside down. Dumb like your mother.
27. People’s reaction can put you in an up mood in a flash! It’s as easy as ABZ.

Have you enjoyed your reading? Why not apply them for yourself? You will definitely be surprised with its effectiveness. Stay healthy!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Spiritual Touch In Overcoming Life Crisis

When you read newspaper or research on internet about suicides rate around the world, you can notice that its graphical information is increasing and never had been reduced even once. This is therefore proving that self-esteem or self-confidence on human is decreasing, despite of so many helpful tips and counseling made to aid depressed people, to survive life crisis. Anyhow, there are also some who had been able to overcome their agonies, through undergoing spiritual counseling, where victims are proving it to be most effective, through their testimonies.

However, it doesn’t mean that psychological counseling and medical advices are no longer necessary. These are of course essential but it can be more successful especially when the spiritual or God’s intervention in any man’s life would be included. The spiritual touch in overcoming life crisis is already testified by experienced, to be satisfying and full of contentment. Moreover, psychological counseling is good, yet with the mediation of our Lord in the midst of depression, victims or patients can experience the most relaxed spirit, hopeful mind and satisfying life. This is even promised by the Lord about the assurance of peace for any troubled person, when they come to Him. (Matthew 11:28 – Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

The spiritual touch in overcoming life crisis is nonetheless essential to any depressed person, to brighten their lives with the anointment of God, where new life and new hopes can be achieved. Imagine how the increasing suicidal tendencies rate can be dropped, when patients will adapt or consider the essence of spiritual intervention. There are no doubts about it especially that many were had been experiencing, the joy and the healing touch of our Almighty God. Worry about love, family, money and or loved ones? Trust God and you will be sleeping along the quiet water. (Psalm 23)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

How Jealousy Ruins Relationship

If you search on the net or even at the police station records or at some social services institution you can find that jealousy is one among the causes of crimes. There is information that reveal about a crime that had been done by a husband, father, sister, brother and even with a friend. This very thing is such a sorrowful fact to everybody or in our society. And the only root of this problem is jealousy. It is the negative feelings in heart and mind, which urges someone to be controlled with anger that likewise gives anyone a justification to harm their own loved ones. This is how jealousy ruins good relationship. We do not want to be like this. No one ever wanted to become criminal to their own family. However, if we are not watching enough to our feelings, we never know what will happen next. But how to overcome this feelings or jealousy, anyway?

One of the reasons why school of thoughts or psychology study has been introduced to the school is that, to enlighten anybody’s mind about how to hold tempers when they are angry or specifically jealous. There are numbers of psychologists also who are now trying to reach out or help people to control their jealousy through their books, CD’s, videos, therapeutic sessions and many other things that deal psychological studies on jealousy. These helpful steps on controlling the jealous mind, maybe costs from patients. However, money is too small already compared to the success that a jealous person can have, when able to conquer his negative feelings. These are very helpful to mend their broken spirits, hurt hearts, and restless mind. Reading books likewise about how to overcome jealousy, watching videos that has therapeutic dramas or even some spiritual counseling with pastors, professionals and or psychologists are among the most effective approaches that will help eliminates jealousy in our mind. So, when you are too tired on this kind of feeling, make a decision to undergo or experience any of this approach.

Moreover, dealing with this does not meant that there is something wrong in your mind, but just like your physical body, which needs food, those steps also are the foods for your ailing mind. Remember, your mind is too powerful and since it is your mind that thinks about jealousy, you need also to recharge it with positive thoughts.

I’d like to share with you about the some circumstances that happening around the world because of jealousy. In this since, you can definitely analyze how jealousy would harm anyone’s life. I browse some sites and I have found numbers of killing, battered partners, and even relationship of two sweet couples who had separated their ways due to jealousy. And guess what? The most people involved in such agony are those who considered themselves as an elite individual. There were politicians who had been sued by their wives because they were being violently hit. There was a closed friend killed by her own friend because of professional jealousy, husband killed wife, sister killed and other killing incident happens. These are because of this jealousy. Yes, we never want to be a victim on jealousy too. And that is how we tried to overcome it.

Before I end up this article of mine, I also want to impart with you my simple but helpful tips about how to control or overcome our jealousy. In such a way, I can also make your life different with my own ways on eliminating jealousy in your mind. Here are some of my tips that I also been using when I felt the same such as; when you feel jealous to anyone,

  1. Do not feel self pity; instead assure yourself that you too have your own special talent.
  2. When jealous with your husband, don’t nag him, appreciate, talk and be thankful to him for everything he had done to you, like loving you.
  3. Try acceptance and always look to a positive side of life.
  4. Read valuable books that talking about how to get rid jealousy.
  5. Be with assuring friends.
  6. Talk to your pastor, parents, friends and even to your kids, why not?
  7. And the last but not the least think and balance the possible result when you let your jealousy rule your mind.

Maybe, this article tips is just simple but I hope you also learn things about how jealousy ruin any good relationship, likewise how to overcome it. Thanks for your visit.

Just My Day That Makes Me Older One