Showing posts with label endoscopy as remedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label endoscopy as remedy. Show all posts

Saturday, October 2, 2021


Endoscopy is a process or procedure to visualize the GI tract of a person. It’s a fiberoptic instrument with the attachment of lights and camera for visualization and still pictures. This is modern and less invasive procedure to diagnose and or collect biopsy. Patient would not undergo surgical procedure though they will still have to get sedated using anesthesia for a twilight effect. There are several types of endoscopies such as: Arthroscopy – this is an insertion through the skin into the joint to diagnose arthritis and for rotator tear and repair. Bronchoscopy – an insertion through the mouth unto the bronchial tubes of the lungs for visualization. This is also use to stop bleeding and dilating the tube when bleeding and narrowing of tubes are present. Colonoscopy – this is inserted through rectum and up to the colon. Use to diagnose colon cancer and removing polyps to prevent colon cancer. Colposcopy – this is use to detect cervical cancer. Insertion is through vaginal opening to visualize the cervix. Cystoscopy – is use to for bladder visualization. Inserted through the urethra unto the bladder that will visualize the inside and outside part of the bladder to detect possible problem. ERCP/endoscopic retrograded cholangiopancreatography – use to visualize the stomach, liver, small intestine and the anatomy of pancreas to check problems and or cancerous cells. The insertion starts from the mouth, stomach, small intestine unto the pancreas. EGD / esophagogastroduodenoscopy – this insertion will start from the mouth and down to esophagus, stomach and into the duodenum of small intestine. This procedure will visualize the system and check possible diagnoses and biopsies. Laparoscopy – use to visualize peritoneal cavity. Insertion made through the belly button over the abdomen to diagnose infertility and or the removing of appendix. Laryngoscopy – insertion is done from the mouth unto the larynx to detect any abnormalities or cancer at the larynx. Mediastinoscopy – is an insertion to visualize the lungs to detect cancer cells and even the enlargement of lymph nodes. The scope will be inserted through the chest wall unto the space between the lungs. Proctoscopy- use to evaluate rectal bleeding, which is inserted through the anus for rectum evaluation. Thoracoscopy – this insertion is made through the chest wall unto the lungs for vision and to collect biopsies for cancer diagnoses. This is also considered useful for the removal of cancer cells, although not all lung cancers can be treated in this procedure. Standard procedure When undergoing endoscopy, the patient is required to have six to eight hours fasting, and additionally patient who will have a colonoscopy, laxative for cleaning the colon will be used to remove bowels. On the other hand: The Sigmoidoscopy It is another endoscopic procedure to visualize the rectum and sigmoid colon. When doing the procedure, the patient will be in the knee-chest position on the specialized table. This procedure will detect tumors, polyps, inflammatory and infectious diseases, fissures and or hemorrhoids. Nurse responsibilities before and during procedures Before the procedure nurses must make it sure that paper works such as consent form will be signed by the patient before the procedure to avoid law suit of assault and or battery. Likewise, to educate the patient about endoscopy including on how it is being done, the purpose of the procedure and its side effects. Patient must be guided by the nurse to knee-chest position, and tell the patient to relax and deep breath when feels the urgency to defecate as the scope passing through. After the procedure it is responsibility of the nurse to monitor bleeding especially when doing polypectomy or biopsy. General complication Because insertion of foreign material is done, perforations through the structure is expected as well as bleeding and the sedation effects. References Lewis, (2017). Medical Surgical Nursing 10th Ed. Elsevier, Inc. St. Louis, Missouri

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