Friday, September 24, 2021

Chronic Stress And Why Most Nurses Are Unhealthy

First of all, having a healthy life style is always a choice because even if how much pressure you are as a nurse; a nurse who choose to stay healthy will always find ways to make her choices beneficial to her/him. However, some people get overwhelmed and feel the stressful situation as too much to bear, reason that some of them will eat too much or unhealthy foods. Hence: the elevation of cortisol hormones. In the real world of nursing, it is a stressful world. Imagine you are emphatically caring an ill person, whom you wish in your heart that the patient would not in pain. It totally affects to the nurse emotion. Likewise, the understaffing of nurses even CNA’s will make the nurses to work more days or time with overloaded number of workloads but with insufficient salary. Overwork underpaid. For these reasons, the nurses become physically, emotionally, financially and or socially stress and when you are stressful it literally affecting your body and mind system. Remembering the Anatomy and Physiology that in a stressful situation the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems activated, which started with the senses that send messages to amygdala then hypothalamus and so on. With all this sending and perceiving stress messages it releases all types of hormones in our body that rapidly changes our physiologic and emotion till to the release of cortisol hormones that trigger hungers to us. And if these stressors are keep repeating, it will cause the nurses to experience a chronic stress. We know that in nursing world, stress will never be ended that is why we definitely exper
ience a chronic stress. The tendency to eat more and to have no time to work out are definite and will lead us get sick or unhealthy. So, what will going to do to improve the nurses’ health habits? Well, we need personal conviction and commitment first for a change to have a healthy life style. I said, conviction because once you believe that healthy habits mean healthy physique means free of pain, then you will start right away. Commitment because once you are committed to make a difference, you will never break it. But if you fail, you surely have a room to start all over. WAYS TO IMPORVE THE NURSE’S HEALTHY HABITS Relaxation: you don’t need to travel in order to relax. Deep breathing is one key. To have power nap of 20 minutes (love naps), being near with nature like walking with bare feet and etcetera Physical Activities: a 30 minutes dance won’t hurt, walking with dogs and or yoga, my new found exercise, the Hula Hooping for 20 minutes which accordingly, when doing hula hoops you seems already have swimming exercise, walking and or running. Social Supports and Emotion Supports: from friends, family and co-workers. why? Because human is socially inclined. It improves our mood. Eating healthy foods: eating complete set of go, grow, glow foods. Carbs, protein, vegetables and or fruits with small portion control. It will make your system balanced and fulfill satiety on your brain. Also, train your brain to eat healthy. Taking daily vitamins: we need multivitamins, D3, zinc and of course vitamin C to help absorbs the minerals we are taking. Enjoy your Nurse job! Reference

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