Showing posts with label song of love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label song of love. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

When God Made You

Its been a year since Mike traveled fifteen thousand miles to see me, and tried to bring me to his place. He never complain how hard it was for him to just sit down in a long airplane ride. He did it with a big smile, as if he conquered the tallest mountain in the world. Against all odds, we did it.

June 18, 2010 that was Friday, the feast that changed our lives together has started. Everything has been prepared such as the paper works, reception and entourage for a simple but with extra ordinary wedding banquet. People involved were busy and ready for a trip going to a place, we've chosen for that special moment. Jovially, we traveled from south to north of Cebu, Philippines for our day to come. June 19, 2010 was the final day of our waiting.
Thrilled with that very day, I never get enough to make myself believe that finally I married the man I've loved for a decade. I wasn't convinced until Pastor Samuel Geroy, with the authority bestowed on him, pronounced us as husband and wife. We promised to love and care to each other before God, the earth, my family and friends. The ocean was so calm, the breeze was cool and a smiling bright sun done their job perfectly, as if they were told by God to be happy for us. Everyone who was there witnessing our moment were so happy too. No one is crying, but just have a big smile except me. I wonder why I cried, but only one thing I am sure enough was that, I was so happy.
Sometimes, when I look back where everything seems impossible for us to be together again, I can see that certainly God made a way for us. Maybe, there were circumstances that might hurt others, but we could not understand God's plan. He has different plan for everybody. A plan that is beyond from human understanding. Imagining those days that we're uncertain with our future, I had a hard time in over coming those emptiness, while Mike struggling to balance his life. I wonder when God made Mike, was He seen me ahead of time?

On our wedding day, we were both happy, unaware on the biggest trial to come in our lives. Our wedding pictures, even those post wedding pictures showed perfect happiness that are too obvious in our smile. Everything was abruptly happened that even me and Mike was surprised. We could never think how things done as if we never do anything to help it. It was flawless, and a true love in a perfect timing.

Our Life Together

Because we came from different side of the world, and due to political system of the country we came from, it is hard for us to be together right away. He needs to get home to start the procedures to bring me with him. However, distance is not a hindrance for us to be in each other. We were very much together regardless of the fifteen thousand miles apart. The high tech communication channel such as Skype video bridge our opposite world. We've seen each other everyday until his surprise returned to Philippines.

Yeah, he is so sweet that even his visit again, he never told me, but just arrive. We spent our first Christmas together, his birthday, my birthday, Valentines day, and the anniversary of our love in a second time around. Yet, time is without mercy. He needs to leave again because of a problem that he must be home. We both crying because of that. He really wants to bring me home, but it was not our control. I don't know why? I could not find the answer why, he needs to be home to the state, and even to God without me. It was so hard for us to be apart again. But he promised me that after these, he will never leave me anymore.

Now, its our Wedding Anniversary. Should I be happy or just pretending as if nothing happen? I could even not able to mention the word about where he is now. My mind knew the truth but my heart is denying it. It is so difficult to understand with a grieving heart.

My husband is loving me unselfishly. He done everything to make me happy. I saw it. I saw how he made it sure that I know that he loves me so much. His everyday line is like “Have I told you today that I love you?” He never miss a day not to mention that line. And I know he doesn't want to leave me, but God is in control of everything. He knew the best for us. When Mike loves me unconditionally, why I am too selfish to let him be perfectly happy with God. Why I am selfish?

I wonder when God made Mike, was He seen about me? Does Jesus cares for me? God my heart is breaking. Can you please fix it? When God made Mike, surely he created me for him too.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Song Shows His Tears For Me

My husband and I were very fan on music. Every music we play or we like has a meaning for each of us, especially when it reflects to our feelings for each other. A week before everything had happened, I gave him the music of love that shows my devotion for him such as, Cherish the Treasure and When God Made You. These are wonderful music that tells him how much thankful and amaze I am when he came into my life. He just smile and asked if I love him. And I said, “Yes, too much.” He asked again why?, and I said ‘ I don’t know. I just know I love you so much. And he said, “ goodnight baby.” I need to sleep. He fly a kiss for me even on the video Skype, and sleep. Kissing through video Skype is what we always do.

A night before he admitted, we had a talked about everything such reminiscing our days when we back together, the moment that we’re together and the exciting future that we would have, especially the coming of our first wedding anniversary. He plan everything like we gonna eat in a fine dining restaurant for that day or maybe in a cruiser. He also told me that he gonna throw a party for my home. Even Pat the girl next door was excited for that announcement. We were so excited.

After a little while on that same night, he played a song. At first I don’t understand because it is somewhat a rock music. Somewhat noisy to listen for me, since I have less interest on such kind of play. However, it is not about the beating of the music that my husband wants to share on me, but its meaning and its intention to show his feelings for me. It is the Cherry Pie song. I asked him, “My Love what music is that? I don’t like its beating, its noisy.” and he said with excitement. “That’s about you. That’s all about you on how a grown man like me cry for you.” I felt sorry why I don’t understand the song. And I just said, thank you my Love. I love you so much, and he said. I love you too.

The music that he played shows his tears for me. Yeah, he really wants me to know how much he loves me. And I believe on him, even without playing that song. But he always make it sure that he expresses his feelings in any ways specifically in music. Here’s the lyrics of Cherry Pie song that I want to share to you too

Cherry Pie lyrics
Songwriters: Turner, E; Cagle, J; Chamberlin, S; Dixon, J; Lane, J;

Dirty, rotten, filthy, stinkin’
She’s my cherry pie
Cool drink of water such a sweet surprise
Taste so good make a grown man cry
Sweet cherry pie, yeah


Well, swingin’ on the front porch, swingin’ on the lawn
Swingin’ where we want ’cause there ain’t nobody home
Swingin’ to the left and swingin’ to the right
I think about baseball, swing all night, yeah
Yeah, yeah

Huh, swingin’ in the livin’ room, swingin’ in the kitchen
Most folks don’t ’cause they’re too busy bitchin’
Swingin’ in there ’cause she wanted me to feed her
So I mixed up the batter and she licked the beater

I scream, you scream we all scream for her
Don’t even try ’cause you can’t ignore her
She’s my cherry pie
Cool drink of water such a sweet surprise
Tastes so good make a grown man cry

Sweet cherry pie, oh yeah
She’s my cherry pie
Put a smile on your face ten miles wide
Looks so good bring a tear to your eye
Sweet cherry pie, yeah

Swingin’ to the drums, swingin’ to guitar
Swingin’ to the bass in the back of my car
[. From: .]
Ain’t got money, ain’t got no gas
But we’ll get where we’re goin’ if we swing real fast

I scream, you scream we all scream for her
Don’t even try ’cause you can’t ignore her
She’s my cherry pie
Cool drink of water such a sweet surprise
Tastes so good make a grown man cry
Sweet cherry pie, oh yeah

She’s my cherry pie
Put a smile on your face ten miles wide
Looks so good bring a tear to your eye
Sweet cherry pie, yeah
Pie, yeah

Swing it
All night long
Swing it

I’m a trained professional
Swingin’ in the bathroom, swingin’ on the floor
Swingin’ so hard forgot to lock the door
In walk her daddy standin’ six foot four
Said, “You ain’t gonna swing with my daughter no more”

She’s my cherry pie
Cool drink of water such a sweet surprise
Tastes so good make a grown man cry
Sweet cherry pie, oh yeah
She’s my cherry pie


Put a smile on your face ten miles wide
Looks so good bring a tear to your eye
Sweet cherry pie, sweet cherry pie, yeah
Huh, swing it

I hope you enjoy it, and realize the importance of music in any aspect of life. In such away, you can also use music to express your feelings, just like what me and my husband usually do. It maybe sounds overly dramatize like a soap opera, but with two people who sincrely love to each other, there is no soap opera about it. Sweet Cherry Pie is how my husband thought about me.

Just My Day That Makes Me Older One