Showing posts with label Health tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health tips. Show all posts

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Helpful Tips To Eliminate Stress

All over the world had listed some illnesses that easily kill people without even fighting it back. And one of those death causes is the simple S T R E S S. Maybe, some considered stress as simply mental and physical problem. Yet, they never know how it damages our health in general. Perhaps, you too will not take this information seriously, but before rejecting this to believe and even not to read this article, let me advice you first to check stress causes and its consequences. Otherwise, it is too late also for you to feel sorry. Anyhow, I still want to share with you some helpful tips about how to eliminate physical and mental stress. These tips will help you keep healthy and have a happy life. I got these stress reduces techniques from my favorite magazine. Read it and have fun also about it.

Stress Reduces That Are Good For Our Soul And Mind:

1. Appreciate yourself. List your total ability and good qualities. Loving ourselves is the most important mood elevator.
2. Bathe in a bubbles or a streamy shower to ease tension.
3. Count your blessing, like good friends and family.
4. Disappear – take time to walk, be alone with magazines, books, at the park. We need peace and quite. Its an effective stress reduces; it enables you to plan rather than simply rest.
5. Exercise. Take out with the kids or set a romantic stroll at sunset.
6. Frown at yourself at the mirror. Anything you could make you smile.
7. Get a move on-do something like washing. Cleaning the bathroom etc, you feel better of your do something useful.
8. Hug someone. When was the last time you hug your loved ones. Learn to trust your emotion than relying on your intellectual response.
9. Inventory a closet. Clean-up, throw something, you might found a long lost treasure.
10. Join a club. It’s not just a club. It’s also like meeting for a lunch or something.
11. Kick a habit. Don’t break it, just dent a little. Novelty can distract you from your down mood.
12. Look for the silver lining. Make big Jesus and small problem.
13. Make something. Be creative, its with a gift for a friend or anything that you can do, then do it.
14. Nap 15 minutes is for revitalize.
15. Outline a plan for change. Lists and thinks specific positive steps to start. Control then and never let them to control you.
16. Phone a friend. Someone you can count on for sympathy. Nothing elevator a down mood like knowing someone care.
17. Question a trend. Give your brain a work out. Read and listen any news and decide it where you stand.
18. Read a story. A book can help you to escape. Again!
19. Say thanks! First to God and also to all who give favors at you. They might not ask it from you, but they will fuel pleasure and it will left you up your spirit.
20. Treat yourself special, you deserve it.
21. Use a skill like playing a guitar.
22. Volunteer. Helping others in need could feel you better.
23. Walk the dog. Strolling a pet ease tension and rises mood. (please not a snake, he he he because am scared on it, but do what you like)
24. Exaggerate everything in you at the mirror. It could only make you laugh.
25. Yell- as you can, when you’re alone.
26. Surprise someone- Set the table upside down. Dumb like your mother.
27. People’s reaction can put you in an up mood in a flash! It’s as easy as ABZ.

Have you enjoyed your reading? Why not apply them for yourself? You will definitely be surprised with its effectiveness. Stay healthy!

Just My Day That Makes Me Older One