Thursday, June 2, 2011

Keep Watch On Your Valuable Belongings

My Husband is an observant person. He sees a lot of things surrounded us. He even sees something in my personality, either he likes it or not. He never says anything, except about his love for me, and how much he likes me the way I am.

Being a sensitive and inquisitive person, he even noticed that all taxicle in my province Bohol, bearing words about God. He said that he never seen a taxicle that does not printed with Bible verses and phrases about God. But he added by saying, “Drivers seems religious to think that way, but sometimes they drive even under the influence of alcohol.” My husband is so funny, but it is true, sometimes. That thing is invisible to me. I never noticed that, even I grew up in Bohol, my province. I overlooked those things, but not with Mike. Taxicle anyway is the means of transportation anywhere in Bohol. It is a motorcycle attached with a cab, where only 2 or 3 persons can ride.

But my story is not all about taxicle. Its only a notion that I want to give to you about how my husband is so observant of everything, from small to big thing. He is such a brilliant man. He is alert and wants to know everything like why, where, who, what and how. He can be a good writer though.

One day when we were in Tagbilaran City, the only city of Bohol, Philippines, we ate our breakfast in our favorite fast food chain, MC Donald. And while waiting for our order he unexpectedly told me like, “Mmmm, so I will keep watch on you.” I was surprised and asked what? And he pointed to me that reminders written on the wall that says, “Please keep watch on your valuable belongings. He added and hold my hands saying that I am his valuable belongings that he should keep watching on me, in every way and situation. That is so sweet to my husband that it made me cry. He told me not to cry because people might think, he hurts me. But that is not what they could see, because we held our hands together firmly.

Maybe, my husband is not physically with me anymore, but I know he just watching me. That's his promise to me that he will keep watching me in every ways and situation. He knew that I am right now in a very hard or difficult situation. However, remembering his words that he will watch me is a comforting truth. I cling to that promise and I know it is true. Added to that I know that God and him is talking about me. And God will never forsake me. He loves and hugs those people with a broken heart.

Right now am still grieving and tears keep falling from my eyes. I don't know until when, but like what cousin Chris Heitzman (first cousin of my husband) said. It will stop when God says, “okay that's enough.” Wow, what a nice statement from another person who cares and understand my situation.

God is good all the time. And he comforted me in so many ways. He said, “All things work together for good. Romans 8:28. He protects me from risk while I am so down and depress. He provides people to stand for me, through the family of my husband, friends, my family and my friends too. They're blessings to me.

Moreover, before anything else happen, God told Mike to tell me, and assures me that God and him will keep watching me, because I am a valuable belongings to God and to my husband. I am more than a sparrow and anything in this world. It is a comforting truth that gives me inspiration to live on and be strong, in the midst of my weaknesses. God is so good to me. And my husband's love for me is so real, regardless of who I am. With all my heart and mind, Thank you so much Lord, with your merciful love, and the opportunity you gave for me and Mike. Its more than anything I have in my life, and in this world.

Please keep watch on your valuable belongings. A phrase that I hope other people will also apply to their every walk of life. In such a way, you can tell your loved ones, how valuable they are to you. Before it might be too late, let them know.

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Just My Day That Makes Me Older One